Lessons for Today from The Truth and Reconciliation Commissions of Post-Apartheid South Africa: A Conversation with Professor Hanoch Ben Pazi
We are blessed and privileged to have time with Professor Hanoch Ben Pazi of Bar Ilan University who spent time in South Africa researching Post Apartheid, South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
The special benefit of this work is its extreme relevance to the race-related challenges that have erupted and persist in the United States, and now continue worldwide. There is so much to learn from this research, both to understand our current moment, and to understand our respective personal obligations in this time.
Please be sure to listen to this valuable exchange
Professor Ben Pazi, as you will hear in the program is Chair of the Dept. of Jewish Philosophy at Bar Ilan University (Israel). He researches Contemporary Philosophy and Modern Jewish Thought, especially the philosophical writings and Jewish thought of Martin Buber, Franz Rosenzweig, Emmanuel Levinas, and Jacques Derrida. Professor Pazi writes on ethics, contemporary philosophy and modern Jewish thought in the framework of religious studies and Interreligious dialogue. His books include: Interpretation as Ethical Act: The Hermeneutics Of Emmanuel Levinas, and Emmanuel Levinas: Educational Contract: Responsibility, Hopefulness, Alliance
Here is the original essay on which this interview is based:
Bearing Witness, Responsibi… by Hanoch Ben Pazi on Scribd
principle of subsidiarity / ecological sustainability
to establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for common defense and promote the general welfare (UBI / arts / education / science)
Law of coexistence, reciprocity, interdependence, mutual prosperity … to secure the blessing for ourselves and posterity (teleonomy)
absolute constitutional values prerequisite (that which cannot be criticized by dialectic nihilism)